F — The "How-To" Music Place
F — The "How-To" Music Place
The "How-To" Music Place
F Mission
I was never much one for school. I was more an of autodidact. Learn by doing. So when my buddy, Marc Mosel, suggested I video the process of recording my songs and posting it all on YouTube, I realized it was a great idea. I felt the best approach was to simply show how I did it—the objective being that someone else could do the same. Hence the Mission Statement: "To show how one man writes and records his music on a computer. What one can do, another can do."

I've been recording stuff for so many years using any means available (here's a page of numerous, really old recordings to show you what I mean. Some real "cheeziness" here!) So my approach is less using the technology than abusing it.

That is to say, I won't go into details about hardware or technical stuff anything like that, but instead outline a general usage for something and just bang away at it all the while with the intent of achieving an auditory vision and/or some "thing you hear in your head" such that "you'll know it when you hear it" sort of a thing.

Talk is cheap, so listen to the first song, "Gimme", which has been used as fodder for this venture, or watch the first video here. Enjoy!



Gimme: "How-To" Video #1


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